
We ensure quality goods as per Buyers requirements through our own experienced quality control team. And if buyer wishes the goods are also inspected by the Inspection Team of SGS, Bangladesh, Moller & Co. Bangladesh, GTEX Bangladesh, etc.

All garments are being testing for color fastness, pilling, fiber composition etc. according to Buyers desire.

We have a strong quality control system where under each Merchandiser there is three full time QCs and the QCs do the in-line inspections in each section of production. In a particular time of the day, our QA Supervisor checks the 30% garments those have been passed by our QCs in each section. All the QC s always checks 100% goods. All the QCs submit their daily reports to QA Supervisor with highlighting the major points. QA Supervisor submits their reports to the relevant Merchandisers in addition to Top Managements. Relevant Merchandiser ensures the correct QA packing to the QA Supervisor. After maintaining the above procedures, the Merchandiser carries out his own final inspection before the shipment. We also conduct final inspection on behalf of the buyer.

Supplier Credibility
To ensure the quality, desired weight, construction and color etc. we evaluate the capacity and capability of every factory. We also check environmental control, safety laws, labor practices and adherence to labor laws. We make sure that our supplier can meet our requirements when it comes to reaching the average number of pieces produced as per buyer’s requirement at a given period of time to meet schedule.

Upon placement of orders, we check right away and control the quality of all garment inputs such as yarn, fabric, accessories, labeling and coordinates timing of their procurement and its timely delivery. We let buyers choose and decide what kind of accessories and labels to use as far as style, color, design etc.

We develop and provide samples as per buyers design, fabric quality, weight, shrinkage, color fastness, specifications etc. to obtain buyers approval before heading to production trough our professional staff of Merchandisers and Quality Controllers who always keep a close check on sampling and productions.

Quality Control/Assurance
Our Quality Controllers visit the factory with regular intervals to make sure we meet our buyer’s requirements. Our quality control personnel are stationed at all manufacturing sites to ensure that all production will meet buyer’s requirement. We always want to deliver satisfaction to our customers; we monitor the order from sourcing of raw materials and accessories to production and up to the final shipment of goods. We also monitor and report the status of the order to the buyer with systematic follow up on each and every stage.

Only approved goods are packed and buyer is assured of getting quality merchandise. Care is also taken to see whether all packing instructions of the buyer are respected.

Shipment/Cargo Handling
All shipping documents are reviewed and verify as to buyers instruction. All cargo is handled by reputable forwarder to obtain correct information regarding ETD and ETA of vessels because time delivery is as important for us as it is to the Buyers.